Kevlar Cord Dry Wrapped V-Belts

VARIBELT VX® (3LK, 4LK/AK, 5LK/BK) Dry fabric wrapped FHP V-Belts with Kevlar cord are designed for use on most outdoor power equipment and agricultural equipment including;
• lawnmowers,
• garden tractors,
• deck drives,
• snowblowers,
• tillers
They are ideally suited for backside idler and clutching drive applications.
An extra dry fabric wrapped cover in addition to the Kevlar cording allows the belt to dissipate heat and last longer than standard FHP belts. FHP V-Belts are measured on the outside circumference (Example 4L400=40”OC).
Varibelt VX® V-belts exceed USA RMA published ratings levels.
Varibelt VX® V-belts are manufactured to meet the same RMA/ISO Standards as all other major American or European Manufacturers’ belts of the same type. Designed to perform at identical or higher levels, Varibelt VX V-belts and Agrobelt V-belts are dimensionally and functionally equivalent to V-belts produced by major American and European manufacturers.
VARIBELT VX® Kevlar®Cord Dry Wrapped V-Belts are manufactured with a dry fabric (cotton) cover and they have a large diameter of high quality ARAMID (Kevlar) cords, impregnated with special compound which eliminates the need for re-tensioning and provides high tensile strength and a high resistance to repeated shock loads.
The belts are covered with a double wrap of special fabric to ensure high resistance to wear and tear and reduced slippage while clutching.
Now made with EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), a synthetic rubber with outstanding properties, VARIBELT VX® Kevlar Cord Dry Wrapped V-Belts are static conductive, more durable, and more resistant to heat, hardening, and glazing than ever before.
Manufactured as part of an extensive range of specially designed belts tested and approved to suit many OEM specific applications with attractive aesthetic qualities;
VARIBELT VX® Kevlar®Cord Dry Wrapped V-Belts are interchangeable with the belts used by major quality OEM machine manufacturers.
• Can resist a high level of reverse flexing – usually associated with “serpentine” drives, and external idler placement.
• High resistance to oil, heat, high humidity and cracking.
• High quality Aramid (Kevlar) fiber used in the tensile cord ensures length stability.